If you have a plan to start
your increase your diving experience, you can just take several challenging
places in Indonesia. For your reference, you can take Raja Ampat as one of
challenging place for diving. It is a must for you to take this place for
diving because of its several sites to visit. If it is your first time to visit
Raja Ampat, you can just read this information.
The first destination when you
are diving around Raja Ampat is known as Melissa’s Garden. So, what do you find
in this underwater garden? The best part of this garden is when you are seeing
wobbegong shark or known as Eucrossorhinus dasypogon. In fact, it can be your
luckiest day if you can meet this type of shark when you are diving in Raja
Ampat. This is because the population of the shark has been very limited due to
the over fishing. If you want to see the same underwater creatures, you can
continue your diving activity by visiting the second site known as Manta Sandy.
Besides seeing similar creatures, you can also see the beautiful scenery
because of the clean water condition. It is up to you to miss this second site
or take a few minutes to enjoy the beauty but it is better for you to stay for
awhile there and feel the sensation.
Underwater Rocks in Raja Ampat
The next underwater garden you
should visit while diving around Raja Ampat is Black Rock. The unique thing
about this garden is because you will see colorful soft coral garden. The
beauty of this area looks complete with the appearance of various types of fishes
you can see clearly. Don’t stop your exploration before visiting Boo Rock. It
looks scary, isn’t it? Actually, it is not as scary as its name. When you are
diving around this rock you will see specific type of fish known as pinnate
fish and also yellow stripes grunts fish. Colorful fishes become the main
attraction of this area and it seems you want to spend a few more hours to swim
along with the fishes. If you still have time, you can also continue your
diving activity by exploring Caves. In this area, you can also enjoy specific
type of fish namely anemone fish. It is a tiny fish about 1.9 centimeters long.
Just enjoy this exploration and you can share the excitement with your friends
or the other divers.
Photo by Hulivili Pro-Mitglied (CC-BY)
Photo by Hulivili Pro-Mitglied (CC-BY)
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